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Thorium-Fuelled Molten Salt Reactors

The thorium fuel cycle has been successfully demonstrated in over 20 reactors. worldwide4, including the UK's 'Dragon' High Temperature Gas Reactor which operated ... (MSBR) which would use thorium as the fertile component of the liquid fuel. The. reactor would breed its own fuel by transmuting Th-232 into fissile U-233. The MSBR.


Uranium is the fuel used in Nuclear reactors to produce energy. However India has only 2% of the world's Uranium reserves. On the other hand India has 25% of the World's Thorium reserves. Thorium reserves in India goes up to the tune of 400 thousand tonnes. Since India was not part of International Nuclear trade, India had to rely on ...

Thorium's Long-Term Potential in Nuclear Energy: New IAEA …

It was named after Thor, the god of thunder in Norse mythology. It is three to four times more abundant in nature than uranium but historically has found little use in …

Introduction of Thorium in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle | en | OECD

Since the beginning of the nuclear era, significant scientific attention has been given to thorium's potential as a nuclear fuel. Although the thorium fuel cycle has never been fully developed, the opportunities and challenges that might arise from the use of thorium in the nuclear fuel cycle are still being studied in many countries and in the …

Oxidation and hydrolysis of thorium doped uranium nitride fuel for use

As temperature rises, UO 3 is converted into U 3 O 8, which is the final oxidation product [ 13, 14 ]. Thorium oxidation chemistry is simpler because thorium is present only in a +4 oxidation state in the oxide compound, therefore the only product observed is ThO 2 [16]. (5) T h N + O 2 → T h O 2 + 1 2 N 2. 2.2.

Thorium vs. Uranium

For a thermal neutron spectrum (E < 1 eV) and the thorium fuel cycle, the situation is considerably better. Due to very low capture-to-fission ratio, the reproduction factor for uranium 233 is about η = 2.25. From this point of view is thorium fuel cycle is promising and a thermal reactor of this type could successfully be made to bred.

Fact-check: Five claims about thorium made by Andrew Yang

So thorium is not usable as a fuel directly, but is instead a fertile nucleus that can be converted to uranium in a reactor. Only after conversion to uranium does thorium become useful as a nuclear fuel. So, even for a reactor that would use thorium within its fuel cycle, most energy produced would actually come from uranium fissions.

Perspectives on the Use of Thorium in the Nuclear Fuel …

Fuel performance. Thorium has very promising physicochemical characteristics that are good candidates for improving fuel performance, in particular in the form of thorium …

U.S. Government Makes New Nuclear Fuel

A new, U.S.-made nuclear fuel could improve outcomes in existing nuclear plants. Thorium is a popular talking point as a way to "clean up" nuclear energy.; One advocate says having a U.S. nuclear ...


Research into the use of thorium as a nuclear fuel has been taking place for over 50 years, though with much less intensity than that for uranium or uranium-plutonium fuels. Basic development work has been conducted in Germany, India, Canada, Japan, China, Netherlands, … See more

Thorium | Description, Properties, & Uses | Britannica

thorium (Th), radioactive chemical element of the actinoid series of the periodic table, atomic number 90; it is a useful nuclear reactor fuel. Thorium was discovered (1828) by Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius.It is silvery white but turns gray or black on exposure to air. It is about half as abundant as lead and is three times more …

Perspectives on the Use of Thorium in the Nuclear Fuel …

In general, once-through fuel cycles using thorium would aim at achieving increased burn-up of the fuel, since the 233U will be burnt in situ rather than recovered. In this respect, evolutionary generation III+ variants of PWRs, BWRs and HWRs could take advantage of such an improved utilisation of fissile resources.

Thorium fuel revisited

Thorium has been proposed as a safer proliferation resistant fuel that can be also used to promote civil nuclear energy in countries without nuclear weapons. Here the present state of thorium modelling, thorium resources and the concerns about its proliferation resistance is assessed. Thorium. Proliferation Resistance.

Thorium's Long-Term Potential in Nuclear Energy | IAEA

Thorium boasts several advantages over the conventional nuclear fuel, uranium-235. Thorium can generate more fissile material (uranium-233) than it consumes while …

Thorium fuel utilization: Options and trends

to be the nuclear fuel to follow uranium, the use of thorium-based fuel cycles has been studied on a much smaller scale as compared to uranium or uranium/plutonium cycles. …

Thorium: Fuel Cycle, Potential Advantages, Challenges, …

Thorium fuel cycle — Potential benefits and challenges, IAEA-TECDOC-1450 (2005) Challenges of Thorium-based Fuel. Lack of Infrastructure. Limited Operational …

India planning to use thorium as nuclear fuel to generate …

India is planning to use thorium as a nuclear fuel to generate power as importing Uranium-233 has been hit by global sanctions imposed against certain countries and because the India-US nuclear agreement has not gone forward. Technologies for fabrication of thoria-based fuel pellets, carrying Uranium-233, have been established at …

DoE Report to Congress: Alternative Fuels Thorium and U233

The Energy Act of 2020 directs the Department to provide a report describing the potential use of thorium fuel and U-233 in future Generation IV reactor designs, and in current operating light water reactors (LWRs). In 2022, the Department received a congressional request to provide a report describing whether it is working with other nations ...

Viability of thorium-based nuclear fuel cycle for the next …

The use of thorium fuel was also tested in German's 60MWe BWR reactors. This showed the flexibility of BWR reactor design by its success in thorium fuel optimisation. Several research reactors such as Shippingport and Indian point have shown that thorium fuel cycle is viable in PWRs. Radkowsky reactor concept (that is seed …

Thorium: Fuel Cycle, Potential Advantages, Challenges, …

Future Perspectives. Thorium as a complement to the uranium/plutonium cycle. Thorium minerals exploration activities need to be increased worldwide. Develop an industrial-scale reprocessing capability to recover 233U from spent fuel and a fuel fabrication facility. Increase the initiatives in research and development of thorium-based fuel and ...

Thorium fuel cycle — Potential benefits and challenges

Advantages of thorium–fuelled ADS. Accelerated Driven sub critical assembly System (ADS), with family of Energy Amplifiers (EA), and thorium as the breeding fuel offers …

5.1 Use as a Nuclear Fuel

From the NEA Report (no. 7224): Introduction of Thorium In the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (2015) "Since the beginning of the nuclear era, significant scientific attention has been given to thorium's potential as a nuclear fuel. Although investigations have been carried out on thorium-based fuels, and thorium-fueled power reactors have operated in the past, the …


Thorium is much more abundant in nature than uranium. Thorium can be used as a nuclear fuel through breeding to uranium-233 (U-233). When this thorium fuel cycle is used, much less plutonium and other transuranic elements are produced, compared with uranium fuel cycles. Several thorium-fuelled reactor concepts are under consideration.

Frontiers | An overview of thorium as a prospective natural …

Thorium is a naturally occurring radioactive element that has been identified as a potential alternative fuel for nuclear energy production. Additionally, thorium-based nuclear reactors have inherent safety features that reduce the risk of nuclear accidents and proliferation. As a result, there has been growing interest in the development of thorium …

Is thorium the future of nuclear power?

In other words, nuclear fuel. The challenge is to design fuels and reactors that can produce more 233 U than the reactor consumes. If this can be achieved, then thorium has an advantage over ...

The Thorium Fuel Cycle: Past Achievements and Future …

In particular, in this document one can find detailed studies on the use of thorium fuel in different types of nuclear reactors. The initial impetus for studies on the thorium cycle essentially came from the development of molten salt reactors (MSRs) in the late 1950s in the United States. These reactors are indeed particularly suitable for the ...

Thorium fuel cycle

The thorium fuel cycle is the path that thorium transmutes through from fertile source fuel to uranium fuel ready for fission. Th-232 absorbs a neutron, transmuting it into Th-233. Th-233 beta decays to Pa-233 and finally undergoes a second beta minus decay to become U-233. This is the one way of turning natural and abundant Th-232 into ...

China gives green light to nuclear reactor that burns thorium – a fuel

From uranium to thorium. China is believed to have one of the largest thorium reserves in the world. The exact size of those reserves has not been publicly disclosed, but it is estimated to be ...

Thorium Fuel Cycle | nuclear-power

The thorium fuel cycle is a process chain consisting of various stages. The thorium fuel cycle uses thorium 232 as a fertile material. During the fuel burning, the thorium 232 transforms into a fissile uranium 233. Thorium reactors are based on the thorium fuel cycle and use thorium 232 as a fertile material.