VolPort، شرکت پیشرو در صنایع سنگ شکن و آسیاب چینی، در 30 سال گذشته همواره به توسعه سنگ شکن های سنگ معدن، ماشین آلات شن و ماسه سازی و آسیاب های صنعتی اختصاص داده شده است.
با ما تماس بگیریدThe main copper mineral chalcopyrite is usually associated with galena. It is difficult to separate chalcopyrite and galena efficiently due to their extremely similar floatability. The effective way to improve the flotation separation of chalcopyrite and galena lies in the development of a depressant system which has high efficiency.
Separation of chalcopyrite and molybdenite in distilled water. Particle size −74 + 38 µm. pH = 2–11, fixed with HCl and NaOH. XFG5-35 microflotation cell. …
The flotation tests of single mineral show that LSC can depress the flotation of pyrite in a certain pH range, but it has little effect on chalcopyrite flotation. Flotation separation of a mixture of chalcopyrite and pyrite can be completed to obtain a copper concentrate grade up to 24.73% with a recovery of 80.36%.
Chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) and molybdenite (MoS 2) as typical sulfide minerals are very easy for co-flotation in practice, but their mutual separation consumes a large quantity of flotation reagents, particularly for superfinely associated chalcopyrite and molybdenite as encountered in most porphyry copper deposits.Pulsating high gradient magnetic …
The pure minerals of chalcopyrite and pyrite were ground and sieved to obtain particle sizes of 38–74 and < 38 μm. The former was used for micro-flotation experiments, and the latter was selected for adsorption, FTIR and XPS tests. ... BN returned a high-selective flotation separation of chalcopyrite from pyrite under pH ∼ 8.0, which …
In the flotation test, the single depressant has little depression effect on serpentine and talc mixed minerals. Compared with single depressant, the application of …
The separation of chalcopyrite from pyrite is usually carried out under high alkaline conditions. However, the separation mechanism of chalcopyrite from pyrite under high alkaline conditions was still unclear. ... To guarantee the purity of mineral, the pure chalcopyrite and pyrite were selected by hand before ground in ceramic mill. The ...
The single minerals flotation results have demonstrated that SMA could realize the efficient separation of chalcopyrite and pyrite. In order to further evaluate the selectivity of SMA, the experiments for artificially mixed minerals were conducted, and the results are shown in Fig. 3 .
Chalcopyrite surface oxidation was applied in the separation of chalcopyrite from other sulfide minerals, such as galena, sphalerite, pyrite, and molybdenite [13], [14], [15]. Pre-oxidation improved the sulfide behavior and recovery of copper concentrate, and selectively separated enargite and tennantite from chalcopyrite [16] .
1. Introduction. Chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) and arsenopyrite (FeAsS) are two of the most common sulfide minerals with similar floatability (Mahajan et al., 2007, Yan et al., 2020).They were mainly found in their mineral paragenesis form in most high-arsenic copper ores (Silva et al., 2015, Yu et al., 2019), which resulted in their extreme difficulty …
Artificial mixed minerals flotation experiments showed a distinct separation behavior between chalcopyrite and molybdenite with an optimal Gaudin’s selectivity index of 12.9. The reactivity mechanism of TLA on molybdenite and chalcopyrite surfaces was determined by FT-IR, XPS, and AFM with a possible adsorption model presented.
The flotation separation of Cu-Fe sulfide minerals at low alkalinity can be achieved using selective depressants. In the flotation system of Cu-Fe sulfide minerals, depressants usually preferentially interact with the pyrite surface to render the mineral surface hydrophilic and hinder the adsorption of the collector. This review summarizes …
The predecessors investigated how the addition sequences of xanthate and H 2 O 2 affected the flotation separation of chalcopyrite and sphalerite. ... Low alkalinity is the most common condition for sulphide minerals separation, so H 2 O 2 is a promising inhibitor for Cu-Pb separation. Download : Download high-res image (135KB) Download ...
Most copper is extracted from chalcopyrite, which is usually associated with the most widely distributed pyrite in the crust of earth [1], [2]. In the mineral processing of copper sulfide ore, the separation of chalcopyrite and pyrite is hard to accomplish due to their similar flotation behaviors [3], [4]. However, the association of pyrite ...
What is Chalcopyrite? Chalcopyrite is a brass-yellow mineral with a chemical composition of CuFeS 2.It occurs in most sulfide mineral deposits throughout the world and has been the most important ore of copper for thousands of years.. The surface of chalcopyrite loses its metallic luster and brass-yellow color upon weathering. It …
Introduction. Chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) is found associated with pyrite (FeS 2) and as such their separation is paramount for the beneficiation of copper because chalcopyrite is the main source of copper in the world (Davenport et al., 2002).One of the methods used to separate minerals is flotation via collectors to increase the …
Therefore, the early separation of pyrite from chalcopyrite minerals is of great economic and environmental significance. Froth flotation is a widely and economically employed treatment method for the early separation of chalcopyrite and pyrite mainly according to the differences in the physicochemical properties of the minerals in the …
Chalcopyrite had a very favorable recovery of 99.6%, and the recovery of galena was 0.7%, indicating that a highly efficient separation of chalcopyrite from galena could be achieved at natural pH using this …
Flotation separation of chalcopyrite and molybdenite is an enormous challenge faced by mineral processing, since chalcopyrite is usually closely associated with molybdenite in porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits.
The study of the depression effect of non-toxic depressants on the flotation separation of chalcopyrite from galena is of great importance for both industrial applications and theoretical research. The mixed …
As a major gangue mineral in sulfide ores, talc is difficult to separate from chalcopyrite in the flotation process due to its natural floatability, which affects the subsequent smelting process.
The separation of chalcopyrite and pyite is not fully solved, and thus more efficient depressants are still needed in industry. This paper used potassium permanganate (KMnO 4) as a pyrite depressant to separate pyrite from chalcopyrite.Flotation and contact angle results indicated that pyrite could be depressed by KMnO 4 at pH 7, while KMnO 4 …
1. Introduction. Chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) and galena (PbS) are critical raw materials for the production of copper and lead.Chalcopyrite and galena are often associated with each other in polymetallic sulfide deposits, and the beneficiation and separation of these minerals remain a challenge in industrial practice (Bulatovic et al., …
In this research, the eco-friendly organic depressant sodium humate (SH) was chosen as a depressant to separate chalcopyrite from pyrite by flotation. The …
The separation effect of chalcopyrite and pyrite became better, it indicates that SDD has a good separation effect on the mixed mineral of chalcopyrite and pyrite in a low alkalinity environment. 3.2. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy test. The microflotation tests showed that SDD has a clear depression effect on pyrite under low alkalinity (pH ...
Especially during the separation of chalcopyrite, it is easily enriched in the concentrate and has a negative impact on the subsequent smelting [4], [5]. ... use the PASP as a new environmental-friendly depressant to selectively inhibit the arsenopyrite and achieve flotation separation copper-arsenic sulfide minerals. Single mineral and mixed ...
The industrial operation of flotation needs to separate fine chalcopyrite and gangue minerals like quartz. This section presents the investigation on the effect of carrier addition on the separation of chalcopyrite and quartz. 20 g fine chalcopyrite and 5 g fine quartz were mixed and subjected to flotation experiments with and without 10 g of ...
The mechanism of electrochemical interaction between chalcopyrite and hexagonal pyrrhotite was analyzed via electrochemical interaction, copper ion concentration testing, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) characterization. Besides, the effect of electrochemical interaction between the two minerals on the flotation separation was …
The process for selective separation of chalcopyrite, a widely used copper mineral, is a major challenge for the mineral processing industry due to its natural occurrence of various sulphide minerals and its complex surface chemistry. ... The flotation separation of chalcopyrite from pyrite has attracted increasing attention due …
In contrast, for chalcopyrite, the low adsorption of MA/AA hardly affects the further adsorption of collectors. According to these findings, MA/AA is considered …
Separation effects of sodium polyacrylate (PAAS) and gum Arabic (GA) on flotation of chalcopyrite and magnesium silicate minerals using potassium butyl …
Chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) and molybdenite (MoS 2) as typical sulfide minerals are very easy for co-flotation in practice, but their mutual separation consumes a large quantity of flotation reagents, particularly for superfinely associated chalcopyrite and molybdenite as encountered in most porphyry copper deposits. Pulsating high gradient magnetic …
However, the selective separation of chalcopyrite and pyrite is difficult because both minerals have similar floatability (Huang et al., 2018). Moreover, pyrite is easily activated by the dissolved Cu ions of chalcopyrite and then pseudo-chalcopyrite is formed on pyrite surfaces, which further increases the difficulty in the selective ...
1.2.1. Flotation Separation Valuable mineral in an ore such as chalcopyrite ore can be separated from each other and from worthless gauge minerals by the froth flotation process. The process was developed in Australia at the start of the 20 th Century to treat the primary sulfidic silver/lead/zinc ore at Broken Hill (Woods and Doyle, 2000 ...
The separation of chalcopyrite from pyrite was studied by using a mixture of these two minerals. Fig. 8 shows chalcopyrite recovery as a function of pyrite recovery in rougher flotation after primary grinding. Both chalcopyrite and pyrite displayed high floatability with more than 90% recovery at the completion of 8 min flotation. Pyrite ...
Selective separation of pyrite from other associated ferrous sulphides at acidic and neutral pH has been a challenging problem. This paper discusses the utility of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans for the selective flotation of chalcopyrite from pyrite. Consequent to interaction with bacterial cells, pyrite remained depressed even in the …
1. Introduction. It is well known that molybdenite is an important mineral source to extract molybdenum metal. It is usually associated with other sulphide minerals, such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite (Hirajima et al., 2017, Hirajima et al., 2014).Owing to the sharp increase in price of the molybdenum metal, the production of …
To effectively separte pyrite from chalcopyrite, tetrazine thione group and hydrocarbon chain were combined to synthesize tetrazine thione collectors. The flotation performance of tetrazine thione collectors on chalcopyrite and pyrite was investigated, and the influence of different hydrophobic groups on the flotation performance was revealed. …
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