VolPort، شرکت پیشرو در صنایع سنگ شکن و آسیاب چینی، در 30 سال گذشته همواره به توسعه سنگ شکن های سنگ معدن، ماشین آلات شن و ماسه سازی و آسیاب های صنعتی اختصاص داده شده است.
با ما تماس بگیریدAs a consequence of this, it is confirmed that Mg and V have negative correlation with ilmenite flotation recovery. Meanwhile, Si and Ca sourced mainly from the titanite phase have a negative impact on the flotation recovery of ilmenite. External …
The irradiation of the ilmenite surface converted Fe 2+ to Fe 3+, as characterized by XPS analysis, thus improving the flotation recovery of ilmenite (Fan et al., 2009, Irannajad et al., 2014). Fan and Rowson (2000) used Pb(NO 3 ) 2 as an activator to effectively and selectively improve the floatability of ilmenite.
Flotation recovery of ultrasonic-treated and raw ilmenite as a function of the collector concentration (pH = 4–5/8–9,ultrasonic time: 5 min, ultrasonic power: 500 W). These results confirmed that the pronounced increase in ultrasonicated ilmenite flotation recovery was obtained, even with a slight increase in the collector concentration.
Collectors commonly have synergetic effects in ores flotation. In this work, a waste engine oil (WEO) was introduced as a collector to an ilmenite flotation system with sodium oleate (NaOL). The results show …
Fig. 2 presents the flotation recovery of ilmenite and olivine-pyroxene before and after acid surface dissolution as a function of pH values. In the case of ilmenite, two recovery peaks appear in the flotation recovery curve before and after acid surface dissolution. The appearance of these two peaks is in good agreement with the previous …
The impact of SHMP was tested on flotation recovery of pyrochlore and ilmenite as single minerals and as 1 to 1 mixtures. Fig. 7 shows the single mineral recoveries as a function of SHMP dosage for both minerals, with respect to the order of its addition in relation to BHA. In both cases, pyrochlore recovery decreased with an …
The micro-flotation results showed that the two metal ion complex collectors substantially increased the ilmenite flotation recovery to about 88% at pH = 8, while there was no major effect on titanaugite. And in the artificial mixed ore test, Pb-BHA showed good collecting ability and Al-BHA showed excellent selectivity.
Pb 2+, as an activator of ilmenite flotation, has been widely discussed and researched, but few reports exist about the activation of ilmenite by using Fe 3+.In this research, the effect of Fe–BHA complexes (ferric chloride and benzohydroxamic acid) on the flotation of ilmenite was studied. The flotation results showed that the recovery of …
Similarly, in mixed mineral micro-flotation, the recovery of ilmenite increased in the presence of pyrochlore. Two possible scenarios, one physical and the other chemical in nature, have been ...
The results of ilmenite flotation using NaOL as a function of pH are shown in Fig. 2. As seen in Fig. 2, ilmenite exhibited a relative good flotability at pH between 4 and 10, and the flotation recovery reached the highest recovery (74.74%) at pH 5.5 with H 2 SO 4 as a regulator. Thus, pH 5.5 was chosen as an optimum pH value, and is selected ...
Flotation technology of the recovery and utilization of ilmenite from tailings of iron beneficiated in Panzhihua was investigated based on mineralogical study. The results of mineralogical study show that the main occurrence of the valuable mineral are liberated grains of ilmenite. Experimental results of flotation conditions show that attrition …
The flotation recovery of ilmenite could be significantly improved by ultrasonic pre-treatment. The underlying mechanisms were unravelled by conducting zeta potential measurements, microcalorimetric analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, and XPS. Following are the main conclusions drawn from this study: (1)
Flotation tests showed that the recovery of ilmenite after sodium chlorite activation was substantially increased in the sodium oleate system, with the highest recovery of 83.18 % at pH 8.
Recovery of coal fines using column flotation. Miner. Eng. (1988) K. Shu et al. Effects of ultrasonic pre-treatment on the flotation of ilmenite and collector adsorption. Miner. Eng. ... Effect of Pb 2+ ions on ilmenite flotation and adsorption of benzohydroxamic acid as a collector. Applied Surface Science, Volume 425, 2017, pp. …
The micro-flotation results showed that the two metal ion complex collectors substantially increased the ilmenite flotation recovery to about 88% at pH = 8, while there was no major effect on titanaugite. And in the artificial mixed ore test, Pb-BHA showed good collecting ability and Al-BHA showed excellent selectivity.
Micro-flotation showed that the maximum recovery of ilmenite after treatment with Fenton increased by 37% and attributed to the increase in the adsorbed SHA amount on the ilmenite surface.
Therefore the higher flotation recovery of IL-F sample in weak alkaline solution can be due to the higher content of MgO and Fe 3+. Fe 3+, Mg 2+ and V 3+ ions also improve the flotation recovery by decreasing the IEP of ilmenite. Because the flotation recovery is inversely related to IEP value. Download : Download full-size …
Vanadium titanomagnetite (VTM) is an important mineral for developing titanium resources, but the comprehensive recovery of ilmenite separation is extremely poor, resulting in the low-efficiency utilization of titanium resources. Here, the separation of ilmenite from VTM ore is studied by combining magnetic separation and flotation technologies. In …
The single mineral flotation tests show that after surface dissolution the maximum flotation recovery of ilmenite occurring at a pH of 6.3 is improved from 73% to 93.4%%, while at this condition ...
A novel method using buoyant carriers to improve the recovery of fine ilmenite in froth flotation was introduced in this study. Hydrophobized glass bubbles …
The ilmenite recovery for the untreated ore sample using microwave radiation was only 65.4% in the column cell flotation, and the grade of ilmenite concentrate was only 32.3% TiO 2. Les principaux problèmes de flottation de l'ilménite avec équipement de flottation à hélice incluent le pauvre comportement de flottation de l'ilménite ...
Effects of pH on ilmenite flotation recovery in the absence and presence of Pb 2+ ions, using . salicylhydroxamic acid (SHA) and benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) as collectors (C(BHA) = 2 × 10 −4 M,
For another, some appropriate depressants are indispensable to enhance the recovery and grade of ilmenite concentrates. Zhu investigated the depression interaction of oxalic acid in ilmenite flotation, and the oxalic acid reacted with mineral surface cations and prevented the collector adsorption, thereby depressing the gangue …
Fig. 4 shows the flotation recovery of ilmenite and titanaugite as a function of pH using NaOL as a collector under acid conditions. The dosage of NaOL was 5.0 × 10 - 5 mol/L. The recovery of titanaugite in the entire studied pH range did not exceed 10%. For ilmenite, when the pH was in the range of 4–5, the recovery of ilmenite was about 60 ...
Abstract and Figures. Due to its high efficiency, ease of operation, and superior selectivity, flotation separation has emerged as a promising technique for the extraction of ilmenite from natural ...
Flotation recovery of ilmenite and titanaugite as a function of pH under acid condition (NaOL dosage 5.0 × 10 -5 mol/L). +10 Flotation recovery of ilmenite and titanaugite as a function of NaOL ...
A natural ilmenite mineral, containing 87% ilmenite and 13% hematite, could be produced and extracted from the tailings of the flotation process, collected subsequently to the spiral concentration ...
Miao et al [17] used sodium oleate as a collector and Fenton were employed as an activator to improve the flotation recovery of ilmenite. Fan and Mehdilo [18], [19] revealed that microwave pretreatment could accelerate the oxidation of Fe 2+ to Fe 3+ and expose more Fe 3+ on the mineral surface. The pretreatment also increased the ...
The flotation recovery was only 32.8% at pH 2.65, and a further increase in pH in acidic environment was beneficial to ilmenite flotation. A maximum value of 71% at pH 5.5 was observed. The ilmenite sample showed good floatability under weak acidic condition, and the optimum pH was found as about 5.5.
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